EPO Election Simulation Wiki
EPO Election Simulation Wiki

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The United Freedom Party, or better known as (UFP) was a Party founded by two former Republicans Phil Reed and Fred Minion. The party stood for unity, freedom, and doing what the people is best for the nation. They left the Republican Party because of the bad leadership they had. A person who pushed for the UFP to get ballot access, but was a full member of the Democratic Party, Brandon Bennett. At the height of the UFP they had four house seats and one running for President. The United Freedom Party took people from both parties. Some of the people who joined was, Phil Reed (Rep), Fred Minion (Rep), Eli Goldstein (Rep) Ian Washington (Rep), and Joey Samuel.


The party was a party that had other ideas it was "same party, different ideas. Their Presidential candidate Phil Reed ran on a platform of uniting the nation and stop giving money to Russia, China and Iran. He picked Fred Minion as his running mate and they had rallies all over the country.

At the end of 2023 the chair of the United Freedom party, Fred Minion and Vice chair Phil Reed agreed to join parties when former DNC Chair, Harvey Fisch, asked Fred if the UFP could combine with the DNC so they could run in the Democratic Primary for President. This agreement gave the Democrat party two new seats in congress and the majority. The United Freedom Party ended and was changed to the (UDC), United Democratic Caucus.

Although, that combination sparked some controversy when people like Ian Washington didn’t want to be apart of the DNC, so he left, and Joey Samuel, didn’t know if he could enter due to his conservative views, but he was allowed to enter.
