EPO Election Simulation Wiki
Nathan Williams

Nathan Williams is a Democrat from Dallas, Texas in Amarillo. He was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan and represented Erie's 3rd Congressional District from 2024-2026.

Williams stepped down shortly after being elected when his husband was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer.

After the death of his husband, he and his two sons relocated to Dallas, Texas where he now resides. In 2028, Nathan Williams announced he was running for Governor of Amarillo in the 2028 Amarillo Gubernatorial Election.

U.S. House of Representatives[]



Williams was the Democratic nominee for Erie's 3rd Congressional District in 2024. His opponent was Incumbent Congressman Brody Bullen of Magnolia's 3rd Congressional District. Williams' campaign was focused on Jobs, Infrastructure, Gun Violence and Social Security.

Brody Bullen's campaign was marred by poor fundraising and campaigning. For example, in the two weeks after Nathan Williams filed to run, he hosted 28 campaign rallies while Brody Bullen hosted one. This inactivity became a major focus in the Williams' campaign leading up to election day.

On October 27th, 2024, Nathan Williams and Brody Bullen participated in a debate moderated by MMM. In this debate, Mr. Bullen claimed he wanted to "completely get rid of" and "rethink" Social Security. When Williams pressed him on this and asked for specifics on a possible replacement, Brody Bullen had no answers. Because of this gaffe, the Williams campaign spent over $50,000 in final week attacking Mr. Bullen for these statements.

As of November 5th, 2024 (Election Day), the SN Rating for this race was Likely D which would flip this seat from Republican to Democrat.

On election day, Nathan Williams defeated Brody Bullen by 13.8% in a landslide. This is the most lopsided election in the history of this district.

2024 Fundraising Totals[]

Nathan Williams (D) - $94,600

Brody Bullen (R) - $39,800

2024 Election Results[]

Nathan Williams (D) - 56.9%

Brody Bullen (R) - 43.1%

Husbands Health and Stepping Down[]

Shortly after his victory, Williams went from being in the media spotlight to being completely private about his personal life leading to speculation something was going on. Williams stepped down from his position in the House of Representatives from Erie's Third Congressional District leading to even more questions.

Shortly after, Williams revealed his husband had been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, his condition quickly deteriorated and he had passed away all in a matter of months.

Governor of Amarillo[]



Nathan Williams was a late entry in the 2028 Amarillo Gubernatorial Election. After he made the announcement about his husband's death and his subsequent relocation to Dallas, Texas, multiple sources reported that Democratic and Republican politicians were encouraging him to run for governor. After consulting with his family and team, he decided to enter the race as the only Democrat. Incumbent Governor Connor McKinley decided not to run for re election.

Williams was set to face Republican Marjorie Greene, Republican Kimberly Yee and Independent Progressive candidate Valery Mora. After Williams entered the race, Greene dropped out. Shortly after, Mora dropped out as well and endorsed Williams. Nathan Williams also received multiple endorsements from Republican and Democratic members of Congress. Because of this and his campaigning power, Williams is expected to win his race.

Political Positions[]

According to Nathan Williams' campaign, the following are his official stances on the issues.

- Affordable healthcare including, but not limited to Obamacare.

- Pro-Choice


- Tax Reform that doesn't punish those at the top, but simply ensures they pay their fair share.

- Secure borders and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

- Well trained and well funded police departments that are transparent and can be trusted by the communities they're tasked with policing. If Williams is elected, he has vowed to introduce legislation directing state and local police departments to delegate all complaints against police officers to be investigated by a third party organization as opposed to the department that employs the officer who the complaint is against.

- Educational opportunities regardless of zip code and the ability of children to read books and have access to materials that expose them to alternative ideas as opposed to a strict "in the box" sort of thinking that certain governments are trying to impose.

- Gun reforms such as the banning of assault weapons such as the AR-15 from civilian use, magazine capacity restrictions, waiting periods, red flag laws and enhanced background checks.

- Expanding entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Williams has proposed raising the Social Security earnings tax cap from $160,200 to $300,000.

- Federal job training programs for unemployed and imprisoned Americans to give them marketable skills, reduce recidivism and make communities safer.

- Federal investments and state grants to improve technology and efficiency for America's farmers.

Personal Life[]

Williams is openly gay.

After the death of his husband, Williams relocated to Dallas, Texas where he currently resides with his two sons, Juan and Javier.

In 2012, Williams founded the Mendez-Du Bois foundation. This foundation focuses on educational opportunities for African American and Latino youth.

An avid hunter and fisherman, Williams admittedly owns multiple shotguns and rifles including a Bergara B14 Squared Crest rifle for hunting deer and a Beretta 1301 Tactical shotgun for home self defense.

Personality and Traits[]

Nathan Williams is a Democrat who isn't afraid of debate. He frequently challenges Republicans on various issues and constantly pushes them on what he believes to be inconsistencies and double standards. For example, when Republican politicians hurl "socialist" and "communist" at him or other Democrats, he takes them on full force by asking them to point out specific policies he supports that they would consider "socialist" in nature. This has led to Republicans such as Fred Thompson claiming very popular programs such as Social Security are socialist.

He also pressed Republican Presidential Nominee Bennett Reed on his abortion stance. In multiple posts and debates, Mr. Reed has likened abortion to murder but has stated he would only "fine" women for having abortions. Nathan Williams pointed out that if Mr. Reed truly felt abortion was the same as murder, then there's no way he could justify a simple "fine" as an adequate punishment for such an action. Because of this pressure, Bennett Reed has since stated he will advocate for harsher penalties for women who get abortions, but has stopped short of announcing specific penalties he would advocate for. After this revelation, it is highly believed Reed's abortion stance will hurt him with women, independents and moderate Republicans.
