EPO Election Simulation Wiki
EPO Election Simulation Wiki

Brandon Bennett is the current Senator for Chesapeake. Born in 1960 Brandon Bennett was born in Michigan and graduated from MSU he moved to Chesapeake in 1985 and became a prosecuting attorney in New Jersey in 1989 he decided to take on incumbent attorney general Mike Potter a Republican he won by half a point and became the youngest state attorney general at 30 a role he held for 32 years he was mentored by governor David minion father of rep Fred minion and became good friends with him he as attorney general was on many big cases including helping to legalize gay marriage in 2022 he ran for rep of Chesapeake 2 uncontested and won he also joined the faith and freedom caucus leadership team with long time friend Phil Reed Bennett won minority leader and tried to be a concencus leader he ran for senator in 2024 and won he later became majority leader and dnc finance chair he eventually became dnc vice chair than chair he eventually left the dnc to help other good friend Thomas Dueberry start back up the unity party which landed some notable members eventually after the 2026 election senator Bennett became chair of the unity party he was also picked by president Reed to serve on the Supreme Court the biggest honor he’s had he has been married twice his first wife died in a tragic accident after 3 years of marriage her body was never found police believe she was kidnapped but there’s a possibility she may not be dead and could of just left as attorney general he used a lot of resources trying to find what happened to her but nothing no leads or anything have come up partially why the senator believes her to be alive somewhere they had one child son Jack in 1990 right before she disappeared his second marriage was to a guy named Jonathan they’ve been together 15 years Brandon Bennett Is openly pan sexual
